Soap Stars in Stockbridge: Fred Rutberg Reminisces

Watercolor of the Unicorn Theatre (before its 1990s renovation) by an unknown artist from the BTF archives.

Watercolor of the Unicorn Theatre (before its 1990s renovation) by an unknown artist from the BTF archives.

Fred’s Journey with the BTF:

I began my association with the Berkshire Theatre Festival as a lawyer. I was very excited about being able to represent the theatre. After a while, I was invited to attend an Executive Committee meeting in 1975 when I was 29 years old. Ann Straus was the President of the Board, and after I gave my little report she kind of jokingly said, “if we put you on the board you won’t charge us, will you?” Someone suggested that the secretary should be a lawyer and a local person, and suddenly I was elected to the board. Jane Fitzpatrick became the President of the Board shortly after I joined. She always had me sit next to her because she said I had a good memory, and she could call on me if needed. I stayed on the board for about 30 years. I only left because they instituted term limits, and so I was asked to serve on the Emeritus Board.

My Most interesting Show:

I remember when we brought in the Proposition Workshop [Theatre] and they did improv in the back of the Unicorn, the old Unicorn, what may be the prop or costume shop now. Allan Albert was in charge of that, eventually he became the artistic director. His specialty was an interesting form of theatre that he called “nonfiction theater,” which was based on first person accounts of things. Before he got here Allan had put together The Whale Show. He researched journals of whalers who were out at sea for years. It was a series of monologues with the cast on stage just telling these amazing stories. It was very compelling. One summer when the Proposition was here, they did the same type of thing based on truckers. They went to truck stops and gathered all of these stories and created Night Riders, that included original music. It was incredibly successful, and we brought it back later that summer because it was so popular.

My Favorite Story:

Michael Zaslow as Roger Thorpe in Guiding Light.

Josie Abady, [the Artistic Director in 1979] brought Michael Zaslow (pictured to the left) to the theatre [for Petrified Forest], it was the first play of the season. He was a big soap opera star at the time, so his name was pretty well-known in and around the area. Grais Rider was a woman in Stockbridge, who used to do my shirts. She did laundry, and I’d go to her house and pick up my shirts.  She was the sweetest person. I went there one day in the spring and she said “Did you hear? One of the actors from one of my stories is going to be at the Playhouse. [Roger Thorpe] is going to be at Berkshire Theatre!” She only knew his character name, but was so excited about him coming. I offered to take her to the theatre, but she said she couldn’t do that. So, I went to opening night of this show and Jane Fitzpatrick used to hold this huge party on opening night. I was introduced to Michael Zaslow and mentioned that this woman I know loved him and was a huge fan. He asked what her name was, and so I gave him her name and phone number. Well, the next time I went to pick up my shirts, Grais was stunned. She said, “I can’t believe it! I’ve never talked to a celebrity before!” He’d called her and simply said, “Grais, this is Roger Thorpe,” his character from the show! And the funniest part is that his character had been killed off that past season, so he came back from the dead and called her! I told her, “Now you gotta come to the theatre, Grais.” I was such a fan of this guy after, I mean he made this woman’s month. This always stuck with me and really shows that the interplay between the theatre and the community is so interesting. That was a big part of what the board tried to do during my tenure was to continue to build up that relationship with Stockbridge.


In addition to being an Emeritus Board Member, Fred Rutberg is also the President of the Berkshire Eagle in Pittsfield.

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News & Articles

From the Archive: Eva LeGallienne

By: Katie Birenboim (She/Her/Hers)   Devoted fans of BTG may gasp to discover that until doing a first round of research in the amazing BTG archives, I had never heard … Read On

EXCITING NEWS! Join Magic Tree House series author Mary Pope Osborne and playwright Will Osborne for a book signing in The Garage from 1-1:45pm before the BTG Plays! performance of The Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon KIDS on February 15!

Books provided by The Bookloft in Great Barrington will be available for purchase in The Garage during the book signing.
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✨ ATTENTION Matilda JR. auditionees! ✨ Directors David Adkins and Kathy Jo Grover want to remind you to please submit your completed forms to by midnight TOMORROW, February 2 to be completely registered for auditions.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
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There are still a few spots left for Acting Through Song!, a two-day workshop led by Michael Wartella (BTG Artistic Associate, Broadway actor and musician) that will take participants' acting, singing and performance skills to the next level for actors ages 12-18 of all levels. To register and learn more, please email

February 8th & 9th from 12pm-4pm
The Colonial Theatre (111 South Street, Pittsfield, MA)
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BTG PLAYS! Year Round Education Program is excited to announce Acting Through Song!, a two-day workshop led by Michael Wartella (BTG Artistic Associate, Broadway actor and musician) that will take participants' acting, singing and performance skills to the next level for actors ages 12-18 of all levels.

February 8th & 9th from 12pm-4pm
The Colonial Theatre (111 South Street, Pittsfield, MA)

To register and learn more, please email
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BTG is seeking young actors currently in grades 3–12 to audition for its upcoming non-Equity youth production of Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR. Auditions will be held at The Colonial Theatre on Monday, February 10 from 6–9pm and callbacks are scheduled for Tuesday, February 11 from 6–9pm.

Appointments and registration are required by February 2 to audition, so please email to book a time slot. To learn more, visit
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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy, our offices will be closed. Everyone at BTG continues to be inspired by his words and deeds as we move forward in the world.
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Check out all that BTG has in store for February! From dynamic tribute bands to family friendly fun, we have a wide variety fit for everyone.

To purchase tickets and look at our full 2025 season calendar, visit
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Happy New Year from all of us at Berkshire Theatre Group! ✨🎇
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Still looking for plans to celebrate the new year? Join BTG as we celebrate 2025 with one of Berkshire County's favorite bands, Max Creek!

To purchase tickets, visit
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Happy Holidays from all of us at Berkshire Theatre Group! ✨❄ Take a look back at BTG's 2024 season with us in our snow globe as we look forward to celebrating the new year and beyond with you.
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Don't wait! Buy your tickets now to take advantage of BTG's advance ticket discount for New Year's Eve with Max Creek! In addition, patrons attending the concert can add a room at a special discounted rate at The Holiday Inn, located on 1 West Street, Pittsfield!

To learn more and purchase tickets, visit
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Attention: For the holiday season, BTG’s box office will be closed on 12/24, 12/25, 1/1, 1/5 and 1/12. Additionally, the box office staff will be working remotely 1/2 through 1/17.

Tickets can still be purchased at at any time. Thank you for your understanding!
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Looking for gift ideas for the theatre lovers in your life? 🎁 BTG gift certificates are perfect for those looking to experience high quality performance art, whether it be theatre, concerts or anything in between! ✨

To purchase gift certificates, please visit
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BTG had the pleasure of celebrating Representative William “Smitty” Pignatelli (@repsmitty) with his friends and family at Saturday night's performance of A Christmas Carol for his the 22 years served in supporting and representing the 3rd Berkshire District. 

Thank you for giving the Berkshire community your endless hard work and dedication, Smitty!
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New year, new shows! ✨ BTG just announced nine brand new shows for the 2025 winter and early spring season, so take a look at what is coming soon and purchase your tickets today at!
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